Asking a non-Jew to do melocha on Shabbos

Asking a non-Jew to do melocha on Shabbos

A shiur led by Rabbi Nosson Lowenthal on 2/5/2023 discussing a parsha related to Shabbos.

There are different opinions in the early sages as to why one shall not ask a non-Jew to do work for him on Shabbos. Is this connected to not speaking on Shabbos about ideas that are not Shabbos related? Or is this connected to the concept of looking at a non-Jew as your Shaliyach, which means your agent to do work for you? These could make differences in the outcome. If it’s about not talking on Shabbos, you can maybe tell him during the week to do something for you on Shabbos. If the concept is because he is your agent, then that would still not be allowed because he is your agent and he’s doing something for you on Shabbos.

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