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Category: Shiur

Replacing Birchas Hatorah With Ahava Rabah

Replacing Birchas Hatorah With Ahava Rabah

A shiur led by Rabbi Nosson Lowenthal on 5/21/2023 One can replace his Birchas HaTatorah with Ahava Rabah, but he must learn on the spot right after Davening. Asks the Beis Yoseif, what about Shema, He’s learning when he says Shema? Why is Ahava Rabah different than regular Birchas HaTorah that you have to learn on the spot right after you say it?

The old practice of reading the Torah

The old practice of reading the Torah

A shiur led by Rabbi Nosson Lowenthal on 5/14/2023 In the times of the Mishnah by Kriyas HaTorah, one person made a bracha in the beginning and one person made a bracha at the end. Was someone who was called up in the middle, allowed to make a bracha if he wanted to? What about somebody who came late? Does he not get a blessing on the Torah?

Listening to 2 voices at once

Listening to 2 voices at once

A shiur led by Rabbi Nosson Lowenthal on 5/7/2023 A person cannot hear two voices at once. How does this apply to listening to two people blowing Shofar, two people reading the Torah, two people reading Megillah, or many Kohanim that are blessing the people at one time?

Paying Workers on Time

Paying Workers on Time

A shiur led by Rabbi Nosson Lowenthal on 4/30/2023 Paying one’s worker on time. When does one pay a day worker? When does one pay a night worker? When does one pay someone who only works for a few hours or someone who you just pay for completing a job? Understanding the concept of U’mon koneh b’shvach kli.

Sending a Metzora out of the camp

Sending a Metzora out of the camp

A shiur led by Rabbi Nosson Lowenthal on 4/23/2023 Sending the Mitzorah out of the camp. Sending all kinds of Tameyim out of the different camps. How is Mitzorah different than the other Tameyim? Understanding the words of Rav Chaim who explains regarding Mitzorah, there are two Halachos. One, a law of Tumma, and a second law of having to be by himself.

Shiur – The Mitzva of Smicha

Shiur – The Mitzva of Smicha

A shiur led by Rabbi Nosson Lowenthal on 3/19/2023  The mitzvah of smicha, which is leaning on the animal before sacrificing it. Is this a Mitzvah that is part of the Hakrova (sacrificing) of the Korbon? Or is it a mitzvah incumbent on the person, similar to other mitzvahs that a person has to do, like putting on tefillin? How does this apply to a non-Jew doing smicha, or women doing smicha with a Korbon, where the Talmud tells us…

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Shiur – Bugs that are Born within Fruit

Shiur – Bugs that are Born within Fruit

A shiur led by Rabbi Nosson Lowenthal on 4/17/2023. Bugs that are born from fruit are allowed to be eaten. Understanding, Bittel in the form of taste, Bittel B’rov, and Berya. Are these bugs born in the fruit considered Berya when they leave the fruit and then come back in, to not have the halacha of Bittel?

Shiur – Leaning at the Seder

Shiur – Leaning at the Seder

A shiur led by Rabbi Nosson Lowenthal on 4/2/2023. If one forgot to lean when he drank his cups of wine and ate his matzah, does he have to eat them again to correct his mistake? The words of the Brisker Rav explaining the dispute between the Rambam and the Rosh, his words don’t seem to line up with the Rama.

Purim Shiur

Purim Shiur

If one forgets Al Hanisim in benching on Purim, does he need to repeat benching? This is connected if one has to wash and eat bread on Purim.